Category: News

The Importance of Website Security

Internet security is more important today than ever before. With the advent of new technologies and the increasing connectivity of devices to the Internet, malicious attackers are always looking for ways to take advantage of security vulnerabilities. This article will teach you how to protect yourself and your site from these attacks. Secure Socket Layer…
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Self Designs Website Hosting

Scheduled Server Maintenance (6th August 2020 06:30)

As a part of our ongoing commitment to stability and performance, Engineers will be performing a MariaDB (formerly MySQL) upgrade on our hosting servers. This upgrade involved upgrading from MariaDB 10.2 to MariaDB 10.3. The new version comes with numerous performance and feature enhancements. Initially the service will be taken offline for a few minutes…
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Self Designs SEO

How we can help your SEO rankings

We’ve been focusing on creating great videos to help our clients understand how we can help their website reach it’s potentional. Watch our video to find out how we can help your website rankings.

Self Designs Website Hosting

Quality Website Hosting

For the past 5 years we have been designing and developing quality WordPress websites for clients. We’re now excited to announce we’re starting to run our own website hosting as well. This means that we can optimise our servers for clients so the development, hosting and maintainence are all under the same roof to ensure…
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Install WordPress Step by Step

Installing WordPress Step by Step

Luckily if you are a customer of the SelfDesigns hosting then this is a really easy one click install and we’ll even do it for you! If you’re with a different hosting company or need it set up on your localhost then read on to find out how to install WordPress. I’m going to be…
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